Why subscribe?

Like everyone, yes, everyone, I’m on a journey. Call it a search for meaning, an inquiry into what makes people tick, or a sacred quest. It could also be a reaction to the spicy Thai Noodle Soup I had for dinner.

What the “Notebooks” reflect is a convergence of a Gritty Spirituality with the Depth Psychology of Carl Jung. Each issue brings a combination of reflections on a particular theme such as Teresa of Avilla’s Interior Castle viewed through Jungian perspective or an editorial on cultural events or a story and a poem.

What holds the center is an idea. That idea is that modern humans struggle to find meaning in an emerging post-secular society. I’m also looking for that meaning, I hope that that together, we might get some hints from the great wisdom traditions and depth psychology.

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To find out more you can look at www.jameshazelwood.net


Subscribe to The Notebooks of James Hazelwood

Notes on the Intersection of a gritty Christian Mysticism, the Depth Psychology of Carl Jung and contemporary Post-Secular society.


Author, Spiritual Director, Cultural Analyst (huh?), Zen-Lutheran and Student of Jung